
Please post your comments and queries about the book on this page, and I’ll get back you as soon as I can. I’m really interested to hear of how the book could do more to point new producers in the right direction as they are starting out. And I’m happy to hear from people who disagree with any of my comments in the book, or have a different experience to share.

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  1. Hi there,

    Thanks for the book, and the opportunity to go beyond it via this website.

    Towards the end of chapter 5 (p 90) there is mention of further details of how to avoid FSA regulations by approaching potential investors for smaller shows. It says further info is available on the website, but I can’t seem to find that. Not sure if I’m not looking in the right place!

    Any further info on this particular area would be very welcome!

    Thanks very much,

    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for pointing out this omission. I have updated the Downloads page of the site to link to which is the relevant legislation, see p51 of the document for the actual statements you need to get investors to sign

    Good luck with your ventures and thanks for reading.

    All best,

  2. Dear James,

    Firstly Thank you. I got this book for christmas and have finished it already. I am an aspiring producer. Currently producing my first big show at the Exeter Northcott Theatre. I was wondering if you could recommend the best places to look our for work experience or assistant roles. Im in my final year of university and slightly worried about the jump in the ‘real world’.

    Thanks again the book has been so useful, i never take it out of my handbag.

    Alexandra Tildesley

  3. Hi James

    just to say what a useful and clear book! I am just in the early stages of starting up a small scale touring company with a partner. We have registered as a limited company, got the licence for a two hander to tour next spring and are almost done on the website. We have decided to use a tour booker in the first instance and have agreed a fee for her services. All very exciting of course but the cost soon mounts up as each service / item is added to the spreadsheet. Funding is paramount and i am looking at the various ways ( most of which you helpfully signpost ) we can raise the money. A team is in place – accountant, Director, Designer , Booker – but, of course they all need paying!

    A myriad of things to consider along the way – some of them not always natural or obvious to those who have spent most of their lives as Actors, but so exciting and already a passion!

    Thanks again for such a helpful resource!

    Tom Roberts
    Roberts & John Productions
    www, ( under construction )

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